CARAS Reading Group: History and Theory of Kink and BDSM
Richard von Krafft-Ebing, author of Psychopathia Sexualis (1886, 1st Edition)
Overview: 2024 CLASSICS Semester
CARAS is excited to announce the 2024 “Classics” history and theory reading group focused on Kink and BDSM. The group will meet monthly to discuss readings ranging from classical texts in sexological theory and literature addressing kink/BDSM, to modern topics including the DSM and ICD. A cross between a literary salon and a graduate seminar, the reading group will focus on these texts and ideas from a unique angle in the study of sexualities.
The CARAS reading group is conducted in two complementary “semesters” each year: A Classics semester beginning in August, and a Modern semester beginning in January-February. The Classics semester will focus on classic and canonical readings relevant to the history of Kink and current scholarship addressing Kink/BDSM. The 2024 Classics semester begins on Sunday, August 4, 2024. Each semester of the reading group will have a separate reading list and registration.
The Modern semester will focus on more recent literature and topics. Please see the webpage for the CARAS Reading Group Modern Semester for current information.
Classics Semester Monthly Topics (2024):
Classical Sexology’s Sources: Literary Inspirations (August)
Sadism, Masochism, and Fetishism in Nineteenth Century Sexology (September)
The DSM and ICD (October)
Psychoanalytic Approaches (November)
Sociocultural Approaches in the Modern Study of Sexualities (December)
To register, please visit:
Some DEtails
What’s New for 2024?
We refine and update the content of the Reading Group each year. For 2024, additions include expanded discussion of psychoanalytic approaches to understanding kink, including Jungian, and a final month focused on key works that have contributed to the development of modern sexualities research in the 20th century, including those of Alfred Kinsey and others. We also welcome a new faculty member, Dr. Douglas Thomas, Ph.D., LCSW, whose recent book elaborates a Jungian understanding of BDSM and kink.
If you’ve participated in the Reading Group in the past, returning to reengage these important and challenging texts can be rewarding. For many participants - academics, clinicians, and community members - the experience of the CARAS Reading Group is like a college course/graduate seminar that we never had in school!
Continuing Education Credit
CARAS will offer Continuing Education (CE) credit for healthcare professionals participating in the CARAS Reading Group, 2024 Classics Semester. Please see the Education Program Information and Continuing Education Session Information document for additional information about CE content, policies and procedures:
CARAS is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. CARAS maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Meeting Times
There will be one section of the 2024 Classics reading group. The reading group will meet once per month from August - December 2024, meeting a total of five times. The group will meet on the first Sunday of the month from 10am-noon (Pacific); 11am - 1pm (Mountain); noon-2pm (Central); 1-3 pm (Eastern); 6-8 pm (London); 7-9pm (Prague, Stockholm, Berlin). Please use 1-3pm/1300-1500 Eastern (New York City) as a reference to verify your local start time.
Meeting Location
The group will meet virtually via Google Meet. The facilitators will send out Google Meet information to participants prior to the meeting.
Meeting Expectations
Reading group members are expected to complete designated readings before each meeting and to attend meetings. Our vision of the reading group is of a group of people who will, over the five month period of the reading group, work together and support each other while engaging these significant and challenging texts. Thus, regular attendance is important.
Any current subscriber to the Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) is welcome to join the reading group!
To become a CARAS subscriber, please visit:
Topics, Readings
Readings are designated for each monthly topic. Readings are in one of two categories: required readings for each month (approximately 200 pages), and additional recommended readings that are relevant to the monthly topic. Recommended readings are optional. The Reading Group Schedule and Reading List is posted via Google Docs, and may be updated. Please note that a number of these readings require access to a library or purchase.
For CARAS Subscribers, participation in the reading group is free.
CE credit for the Reading Group Classics Semester, 1 credit per session fully attended (up to 5 credits total), is offered for an additional flat fee of $100.
There may be additional costs for reading materials.
Information Sheet
A Reading Group Information Sheet that addresses various topics and policies is available. For any additional questions, please contact CARAS at
How do I Join?
Register for the 2024 Classics Reading Group here:
Please note that the deadline for registration is Friday, August 2, 2024.
Stay in Touch
Please join the CARAS announcements listserv for notifications and information about future iterations of the CARAS Reading Group.
Reading Group Facilitators
The primary facilitators for the 2023 CARAS Reading Group Classics Semester are Dr. Katherine King, PsyD., Dr. Douglas Thomas, Ph.D., LCSW, Mel Leverich, MAS. Please see the bios for Kate, Douglas, and Mel below.
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, author of Venus in Furs (1870)
Kate King
Douglas Thomas
history and theory of kink and bdsm Reading Group CO-Facilitator: Katherne King
Katherine King, Psy.D., (she/they) is a psychologist, Associate Professor, and geropsychology concentration director in the clinical psychology doctoral program at William James College. She is a member of the American Psychological Association’s Division 44 Committee on Consensual Non-Monogamy and has a psychotherapy practice helping people with concerns about aging, health, gender, sexuality, relationships, and trauma. Dr. King is a member of the CARAS Institutional Review Board (IRB).
history and theory of kink AND bdsm Reading Group Co-Facilitator: Douglas thomas
Douglas Thomas, PhD, LCSW, has a private Jungian-based psychotherapy practice in Pasadena, California, where he specializes in work with dreams, LGBTQ issues, and alternative sexualities. He also teaches as adjunct faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. Dr. Thomas has written articles for the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies and International Journal of Jungian Studies, and he is the author of The Deep Psychology of BDSM and Kink, Jungian and Archetypal Perspectives on the Soul’s Transgressive Necessities.
Mel Leverich
history and theory of kink AND bdsm Reading Group Co-Facilitator: Mel leverich
Mel Leverich (they/them) has been the Archivist and Collections Librarian for the Leather Archives and Museum in Chicago since 2017 and has a Masters of Archival Studies from the University of British Columbia. Mel is a member of the CARAS Institutional Review Board (IRB).